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Re: Persistent Services Needed

On Sep 25, 10:36, "Erik E. Fair"  (Time Keeper) sent the following to the
NSA's mail archives:
> Subject: Re: Persistent Services Needed
|| One way to establish persistent services is to use the DNS for
|| indirection:
|| register a name for a service (or a set of services), which then point
|| servers of those services by a DNS name. If the service needs to move
|| (hosts, net connections, etc), the only thing that changes is the
|| DNS zone file and the references to the service through the name stay
|| exactly the same. Hell, if your service requires no state information
|| or can have replicated data (e.g. DNS, FTP, WWW), you can use "round
|| robin" techniques with very low DNS RR TTL's to spread the service
|| load over a bunch of widely distributed hosts.

Sounds like a good idea to me. I've always kinda wondered why there wasn't
a cypherpunks.org or something.  It'd certainly make it easier for folks to
find us...

David J. Bianco			| Web Wonders, Online Oddities, Cool Stuff
iTribe, Inc.			| Phone: (804) 446-9060 Fax: (804) 446-9061
Suite 1700, World Trade Center	| email: <bianco@itribe.net>
Norfolk, VA 23510		| URL  : http://www.itribe.net/~bianco/