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Fax Number List
I promised last week that I would send this out when the idea of a
blanket-fax-campaign for a c-punks press release was being discussed.
Sorry it took me so long to get around to it, but here it is.
I was mistaken in my original posting: it includes neither the Fox Network
_nor_ the Eye on America show, but I'm sure we'll find those numbers
I got it from the Iron Feather Journal, volume 14. I have no reason to
believe that any of these numbers are incorrect, but some of them may
have changed.
Also: personal apologies to anyone who considers this to be noise. Please
restrict all flames to private e-mail.
Anybody wanna fax Ted Turner? :)
ABC 20/20 NY 1-212-456-2969
ABC World News NY 1-212-456-4968
Ann Arbor News Ann Arbor, MI 1-313-994-6879
AP Los Angeles 1-213-748-1200
AP San Diego 1-619-291-2098
AP Washington, D.C. 1-202-828-6422
AP (Broadcast) Washington, D.C. 1-202-955-7367
Associated Press Boston, MA 1-617-338-8215
Associated Press Los Angeles 1-213-748-9836 Steve Loeper
Associated Press Phoenix, AZ 1-602-254-9573 Assignment Editor
Associated Press San Francisco 1-415-552-9430 Bill Schiffmann
Associated Press MN Minneapolis, MN 1-612-332-4245
Boston Phoenix Boston, MA 1-617-536-1463
Boulder Daily Camera Boulder, CO 1-303-442-1508
C-SPAN Washington, D.C. 1-202-737-6226 Sarah Traheorn
CBS NY 1-212-975-1519
CBS Washington, D.C. 1-202-659-2586
CBS (Radio) Washington, D.C. 1-202-659-5578
CBS Eve News NY 1-212-975-2115
CBS Morning Washington, D.C. 1-202-331-1765
CBS News Los Angeles 1-213-651-0285 Jennifer Siebens
CBS News San Francisco 1-415-362-7417 John Blackstone
CBS TV Los Angeles 1-213-651-0321
CBS TV San Francisco 1-415-362-7417
Ch. Sci Monitor Washington, D.C. 1-202-223-3476
Chicago Sun-Times Chicago, IL 1-312-321-3084
Chicago Tribune Chicago, IL 1-312-222-3143
CNN Los Angeles 1-213-460-5081
CNN San Francisco 1-415-398-4049
CNN President Atlanta, GA 1-404-827-1575 Ted Turner
Coloradoan Fort Collins, CO 1-303-224-7726
Denver Post Denver, CO 1-303-820-1369
Der Spiegel Hollywood, CA 1-213-851-9867 Frances Schoenberg
Detroit News Detroit, MI 1-313-222-2335
Gannett Washington, D.C. 1-202-243-0190
Gannett News Service Sacramento, CA 1-916-446-7326 Becky Lavally
Good Mng America Washington, D.C. 1-202-887-7685
Mother Jones San Francisco, CA 1-415-863-5136 Douglas Foster
NBC Washington, D.C. 1-202-362-2009
NBC (Radio) Washington, D.C. 1-703-685-2197
NBC News Burbank, CA 1-818-840-4275 Heather Allan
NBC News New York, NY 1-212-956-2140
NBC News San Francisco, CA 1-415-441-2823 David Burrington
NBC News President New York, NY 1-212-315-4037 Michael Gartner
NBC TV Los Angeles 1-818-840-4275
NBC TV San Francisco, CA 1-415-441-2823
Newsweek Los Angeles, CA 1-213-444-5287 Managing Editor
Newsweek New York, NY 1-212-421-4993 Jonathan Alter
Newsweek Washington, D.C. 1-202-783-6512
NPR Radio San Francisco, CA 1-415-553-2241
NY Times New York, NY 1-212-556-4603
PBS Alexandria, VA 1-703-739-0775
Pulse! West Sacramento, CA 1-916-373-2480 Laurie Macintosh
Rainbow Coalition Washington, D.C. 1-202-728-1192
Reuters Los Angeles 1-213-622-0056
Rocky Mountain News Denver, CO 1-303-892-5499
Scripps Howard Washington, D.C. 1-202-408-8116
Shareware Magazine Sunnyvale, CA 1-408-730-2107 Tracy Stephenson
Time San Francisco, CA 1-415-434-5209 Paul Witteman
Time Magazine NY 1-212-522-0451
UPI Boston, MA 1-617-338-9774 Barry Fly
UPI Los Angeles 1-213-620-1237
UPI San Francisco 1-415-552-3585 Bill Bucy
UPI Seattle, WA 1-206-283-0408 Penny Spar
UPI Washington, D.C. 1-202-789-2362
UPI (Radio) Washington, D.C. 1-202-842-3625
US News & Wrld Rprt Washington, D.C. 1-202-955-2713
USA Today Washington, D.C. 1-202-276-5527
Utne Reader Minneapolis, MN 1-612-338-6043
Whole Earth Review Sausalito, CA 1-415-332-2416 Kevin Kelly
kelli@zeus.towson.edu Geek Code v3.0 http://zeus.towson.edu/~kelli/
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Diverse Sexual Orientation Coll.Towson State University DSOC@zeus.towson.edu
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince With The Thousand Enemies. . .
And whenever they catch you, they will kill you.
But first, they must catch you. . ."
-Richard Adams