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Re: Whitehouse "dissident" and net monitoring
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 11:18:14 -0400
From: hallam@w3.org
>> >(4) Is the April 9 statement by David Lytel of the White House Office of
>> > Science and Technology to Amy Bauer of Copley News Service that the
>> > administration does not monitor anti-Clinton activity on the web still
>> > operative?
>Probably they do and they really should. If I was Mr. Clinton (which
>I luckily am not) I would want my adjudats to prepare a report for
>me each morning summing up all the possible comments round
>subject Clinton and The USA from NET: That would be very precisious
>source of feedback to finetune your acts. And that information
>is real time.
Nope they don't the Democratic party aides do that type of work from Democrat
The President gets a once a week summary of all the mail he gets including the
email. I think they also provide a daily press digest.
By monitoring Lytel was probably thinking about installing net sniffers etc or
obtaining the data from the FBI or whoever. I am certain he didn't mean to say
that he does not surf the net ever and does not occasionaly visit opposition
The term monitor implies an organised search and continuous checking proceedure
the number of hits cited sounds more like somone passed round the URL of a kook
site inside the office.