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Re: Cypherpunks Press release

A little birdie told me that Dietrich J. Kappe said:
> We've seen the word "hacker" kicked around rather arbitrarily in the press.
> Are we to conclude that the cypherpunks are a bunch of hackers? I think its
> time for some cypherpunks spin. How about a logo *and* a press release? The
> press release would give contacts (email, phone, etc.) so that someone on
> this list would be contacted by journalists when a crypto story breaks.

I think that a press release would be hard, based on the fact that there
is no central organization here on the cypherpunks list. I know that in
times past, Eric Hughes has been quoted in the press, as well as Tim, and
perhaps others (forgive my lack of memory), but there is no approved 
spokesperson because there is no organization. 

> If we get enough volunteers, we can fax blanket every newspaper, station,
> and network in the world.

Does anyone know exactly how the press contact thing works? My impression
is that a reporter/journalist stumbles on to someone who knows something 
about a particular area, and is willing to be interviewed. Then the next
time a story comes along that deals even slightly with that subject, the
reporter will tend to contact that person. 

Kevin Prigge                        |  Holes in whats left of my reason, 
CIS Consultant                      |  holes in the knees of my blues,
Computer & Information Services     |  odds against me been increasin' 
email: klp@cis.umn.edu              |  but I'll pull through...