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Re: Collection of personal info

>letting it happen, and using cash instead of credit, is the smart answer

I'm somewhat surprized at how much of an issue this is.   The
federal government prints up nice green paper for us to pay for
things with.  It's annonymous (to a large extent), univerally
accepted (most of the time), fairly untracably (unless you 
really want to), easily available, doesn't collect interest,
free to use, etc.  No one is forcing anyone to use credit
cards, etc..  Then again, being a kid, I have never bought
anything with anything other than cash on the spot...

Tobin Fricke (aka LightRay)       The Digital Forest BBS (714)586-6142
dr261@kanga.ins.cwru.edu          KE6WHF Amateur Radio, 1:103/925 fido