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Mixmaster Remailer FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Mixmaster Remailers
[FAQ Verson 1.5 Sept 22 1995]

               Lance Cottrell

This document is a semi-technical discussion of Mixmaster remailers.
I wrote this to answer questions often asked by new users of Mixmaster,
and to explain why you would want to use Mixmaster remailers.
At the end of this FAQ is a list of currently active Mixmaster remailers.

What is the most recent version of Mixmaster?
  I am pleased to announce the release of Mixmaster 2.0.2
  It contains many bug fixes. It also provides random remailer

What is Mixmaster?

Mixmaster is a new class of anonymous remailers. Inspired by the existing
"cypherpunk" remailers and discussions on the Cypherpunk mailing list
<cypherpunks@toad.com>, Mixmaster is the next generation in the evolution
of remailer technology.

What is an anonymous remailer?

   Quoting from Andre Bacard's remailer FAQ:
        An anonymous remailer (also called an "anonymous server")
        is a free computer service that privatizes your e-mail.
        A remailer allows you to send electronic mail to a Usenet
        news group or to a person without the recipient knowing
        your name or your e-mail address.
   For a non-technical introduction to remailers (not including Mixmaster),

   I recommend Andre's FAQ. It is posted regularly to:
   or you can get it by sending mail to:
        To: abacard@well.com
        Subject: Help1
        Message: [Ignored]

What do I need to use Mixmaster remailers?

   Unlike other remailers, you can't just make your own message and send it
   to the remailer. Mixmaster's security comes in part from using a special
   message format. The disadvantage of this is that you need a special 
   program to make the message for you. Once you have that program 
   (the client) remailing is as easy as running the program, and telling it
   which remailers you want to use.

How do I get the Mixmaster client software?

   There are two sites for distribution. The first is my machine:
   or ftp to obscura.com and read /pub/remail/README.no-export

   The other is by anonymous ftp to jpunix.com

   You will have to follow the instructions there to get Mixmaster.
   Because Mixmaster contains cryptography, it may not be exported 
   from the U.S and Canada. The reason for the circuitous route to download
   Mixmaster is to show my good faith efforts to keep Mixmaster from being
   exported. I have heard rumors that someone has already broken this law,
   and that Mixmaster is available from Europe. I do not approve of this
   and will not support that site.

How do I get the software to run a Mixmaster remailer?

   The remailer software is available from the same sites as the client.

But I only see one Mixmaster distribution?

   The same program is used for both the client and the remailer. The only
   difference is in the installation. For the client you just compile it
   and you are ready to go. For the remailer, you need to set up mail
   forwarding and cron jobs.

What kinds of computers does Mixmaster run on?

   Unfortunately, not PCs or Macs. But it is being ported to those right now.
   Mixmaster runs under UNIX. The only machine it is known not to work on
   is Dec Alpha. It has been tested on Linux, FreeBSD, SunOS 4.1.3,
   Solaris, and several others. It has been compiled and tested on Netcom. 
   If you use it on a machine or service not on this list, please let me 
   know so I can add it.

How does Mixmaster work, and why should I use it?

   You should use Mixmaster if you want the highest level of anonymity
   available, or if your are tired of building remailer messages your self.
   A discussion of how Mixmaster provides this level of security is beyond
   the scope of this FAQ, but I put an essay on the subject on my home page

Does Mixmaster use PGP?

   No, Mixmaster uses the rsaref package from RSA. Mixmaster uses its own
   keys and key file formats. To add a key to a key ring, simply append 
   the key to your key file using your favorite text editor.

When Was Mixmaster Released?

   Mixmaster was originally released on an experimental basis in late
   1994. There were only ever two remailers running Mixmaster 1.0.
   Mixmaster 2.0 was released on May 3, 1995. There are now 18 publicly
   available Mixmaster remailers.

What is the latest version of Mixmaster?

   Version 2.0.2 was released on Sept 22, 1995. Mixmaster remailers can
   now accept messages containing multiple Mixmaster packets. Mixmaster
   can be told to choose a random set of remailers to chain your message
   through. It will now route multiple packet messages over independant
   chains. Several minor bugs were fixed.

   Version 2.0.1 was released on May 27, 1995. The only changes from 2.0
   are some improvements in the documentation, and the inclusion of a 
   more up to date list of remailers.

What remailers run Mixmaster?

   The most recent list of remailers is available on my homepage, along
   with the remailer list and key file for Mixmaster. You can simply
   replace your old files with the ones from my site to keep up to date.
   These files are in ftp://obscura.com/pub/no-export/
   They are also available by ftp.

   Here is the current list of Mixmaster remailers. Send mail to the
   remailer with the subject remailer-key to retrieve the remailers
   Mixmaster key.

   mix         mixmaster@obscura.com
   vishnu      mixmaster@vishnu.alias.net
   crown       mixmaster@kether.alias.net
   knight      mixmaster@aldebaran.armory.com
   robomix     robo@c2.org
   hroller     hroller@c2.org
   syrinx      syrinx@c2.org
   replay      remailer@replay.com
   hacktic     remailer@utopia.hacktic.nl
   crynwr      remailer@crynwr.com
   spook       remailer@spook.alias.net
   flame       remailer@flame.alias.net
   gondolin    mixmaster@gondolin.org
   q           q@c2.org
   Armadillo   remailer@armadillo.com
   precipice   mixmaster@mix.precipice.com
   anon        mixmaster@anon.alias.net
   secrets     secret@secret.alias.net

Since this is a new FAQ, I am sure it is far from comprehensive. Watch
this space for changes to the FAQ. It will be evolving rapidly for a
while. Please send any questions you think should be here to:


My outpost on the WWW is <http://obscura.com/~loki/Welcome.html>