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Re: Security Update news release
> >
> > Here is the press release we put out this morning regarding the fix
> >for RNG seed and stack overflow problems.
> Do the new versions use PGP's randseed.bin? If Netscape even only looks at
> data used to keep PGP secure, Netscape will be banned from my computer
> and every computer I am responsible for. -- For good.
That doesn't quite make sense. Netscape reading randseed.bin can have no
effect on the security of PGP.
/ These opinions are mine, and not Verity's (except by coincidence;). \
| (\ |
| Patrick J. Horgan Verity Inc. \\ Have |
| patrick@verity.com 1550 Plymouth Street \\ _ Sword |
| Phone : (415)960-7600 Mountain View \\/ Will |
| FAX : (415)960-7750 California 94303 _/\\ Travel |