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Re: AOL Porno
On Thu, 14 Sep 1995, Duncan Frissell wrote:
> Will the federal prosecutors and Fibbies on this list please
> emphasize that the Internet was not involved in the AOL kiddie porn
> case. The Internet has enough opportunities for bad publicity as
> it is.
> "Who wonders: How it is that CompuServe was able to exist from 1979
> to the arrival of Prodigy and AOL without major sex, and drugs, and
> rock and roll problems?"
I would be happy to, but no member of the media has asked me. I'm
available for photo ops too! :-) (for the humor impaired)
I am blasting the Rimm "study" in the next issue of the Federal Lawyer.
Does that count?
Not a lawyer on the Net, although I play one in real life.
Flame away! I get treated worse in person every day!!
- References:
- AOL Porno
- From: Duncan Frissell <frissell@panix.com>