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AOL monitoring
hello, apparently the recent FBI sting happened with the cooperation
of AOL, which allowed the FBI to monitor downloads..
here's some info to test if you are being monitored on AOL
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 14:47:38 -0400
To: snet-l@world.std.com
From: Charles Zeps <czeps@icis.on.ca>
Subject: How to find out if you are sniffed at AOL
> America Online Opens Private E-mail to Federal Sting
> (c) 1995 N.Y. Times News Service
>(14 Sept. 1995 ) Responding to court orders related to a
>nationwide crackdown on the electronic transmission of child pornography,
>America Online, the nation's largest information service, gave law
>enforcement agents access to the private electronic mailboxes of an unknown
>number of its subscribers, company officials confirmed Thursday.
From: Eric Muetterties <ericm3@ix.netcom.com>
All you America online users would be wise to check out your
Use a file viewer that will allow you to view in hexadecimal.Or use
the DOSSHELL.EXE program in your DOS directory and use the menu to VIEW
file contents
Find your Aonline directory and find the directory marked IDB.
This should have two files marked with your screen name and a
suffix of either .arh or .pnd (eg. ericmuette.arh)
With the file loaded in the viewer you will see the hex dump of
these files. In the side pane will be the equivalent ascII of the
hexadecimal dump (in laymans terms... if there is text you will
recognize it...)
Use PAGE DOWN to move down through the files.... soon you will
recognize the first files you downloaded and references to where you
were on the internet and what directory you saved the file to.
Make these files READ ONLY with the file attributes menu in your
file manager and they can not use this facility../
You will get an error message when you first start up ("XFER ERROR
- - - could not create database") Click on "OK" and program will continue.
Then when program gives you messages when you try to save to disk
or download something just click on "IGNORE" till program continues
(usually 3 times).
When they realize everyone is defeating this they can easily come
up with a more covert way of tracking you but in the meantime...
... better to change to another provider...
You will be amazed at your freinds expressions when you get on
their computer and tell them what they have downloaded.
If you view the files in the TOOLS directory , at the end of the
files you will find the internal names for these programs such as
"Internal DAtabase" , ETC. !!! Have fun...
Big Bro is here in a BIG WAY... MIND YOUR P's and Q's on the NET
E. Muetterties
If you can't figure out how to do this email me with what is in
your "IDB" directory and I'll tell you which files to view.
Linda Thompson
American Justice Federation
Home of AEN News and "Waco, the Big Lie" "America Under Siege"
3850 S. Emerson Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Telephone: (317) 780-5200
Fax: (317) 780-5209
Internet: lindat@iquest.net
"When even one American -- who has done nothing wrong -- is forced by fear
to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril."
Harry Truman