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Re: Project: a standard cell random number generator
> futplex@pseudonym.com (Futplex) writes:
> John Gilmore writes:
> > In this sense, NSA ought to be *encouraging* Intel and
> > IBM and Motorola to put "generate random bits" instructions into
> > their instruction sets...
> Does Tessera include any form of hardware RNG ?
Yes. Here's a released CAPSTONE spec sheet. I don't expect an attack like
the one on Netscape to work there.
Jim Gillogly
Sterday, 1 Winterfilth S.R. 1995, 11:07
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 93 10:11:03 EDT
From: Clipper Chip Announcement <clipper@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov>
Organization: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Posted-Date: Fri, 30 Apr 93 10:11:03 EDT
Subject: Capstone Chip technology information
CAPSTONE is an NSA developed, hardware oriented, cryptographic
device that implements the same cryptographic algorithm as the
CLIPPER chip. In addition, the CAPSTONE chip includes the
following functions:
1. The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) proposed by NIST
as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS);
2. The Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) recently approved as
FIPS 180;
3. A Key Exchange Algorithm based on a public key
4. A general purpose exponentiation algorithm;
5. A general purpose, random number generator which uses a
pure noise source.
The Key exchange Algorithm is programmable on the chip and uses
functions 1-2 and 4-5 above.
Prototypes of the CAPSTONE chip are due the last week in April.
The chips are expected to sell for $85.00 each (programmed).
The first CAPSTONE chips are to be installed in PCMCIA electronic
boards and used for the PMSP program for the security of the
Defense Messaging System.
The CAPSTONE chip is big, complex and powerful. Over 850
megabytes are required by the automated design system to define
the functions of the chip. VLSI Technology is fabricating the
chip, and MYKOTRONX is designing and testing the chip.
1. What are the power requirements of the CAPSTONE chip? Will
they fit the power requirements of battery-operated, hand
held devices?
The CAPSTONE chip requires a 5 volt DC voltage source.
Power ratings are currently estimated at 3.5 milliamps per
MHz, i.e. at 10 Mhz and 5 volt DC, power consumed is 175
milliwatts. These estimates will be refined as data are
taken into the actual chips. In comparison, the CLIPPER
chip consumes approximately 150 milliwatts at 5 volts DC and
10 MHz. As you can see, both chips fall within the power
requirements of hand held, battery-operated devices.
2. Will the CAPSTONE chip incorporate the key escrow features
of the CLIPPER chip?
Yes, it will.
3. When will CAPSTONE be announced and available?
Prototypes of the CAPSTONE chip are due the end of this
month. We ask that you contact the manufacturer, Mykotronx
Inc., for further information concerning the timetable for
availability of CAPSTONE.
4. Is the Department of Defense working now to incorporate
CAPSTONE in the Pre-message Security Protocol?
5. Will CAPSTONE meet the design requirements of a PCMCIA card
that combines voice and/or data communications with
encryption capabilities?
6. Will CAPSTONE use the Digital Signature Standard? What kind
of key management scheme will be employed in the CAPSTONE
chip? Will CAPSTONE allow the use of RSA public-key
encryption in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, the
DSS? If RSA is implemented on the CAPSTONE chip, will the
key escrow feature function?
CAPSTONE implements the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA),
proposed by NIST as a Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS), to perform the digital signature functions.
Key management is handled by an algorithm based on a public-
key exchange technique. The CAPSTONE chip does not
implement RSA.
------- End of Forwarded Message