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Re: Please send me SSL problems...

At 18:18 1995.09.20 -0400, Ian Goldberg wrote:
>In article <199509201004.DAA23933@ammodump.mcom.com>,
>Jeff Weinstein  <jsw@netscape.com> wrote:
>>  I'd just like to let all cypherpunks know that I'm really interested in
>>getting any feedback you might have about security problems with Netscape
>>products.  I'm particularly interested in bugs in the our implementation
>>of SSL, and problems in the protocol that are not addressed in SSL 3.0.
>Well, if you'd release Netscape source, we could check its
>implementation... :-)
>   - Ian

Mmm... sounds like they want some free consulting. :-)

(BTW, Ian, you're at UofW?  I thought your original 'discovery' email of
three days ago had a berkeley.edu address on it... anyway, if you are a
UofW'er, hello from a fellow Waterloo math/cs grad!)


Herb Sutter                 2228 Urwin, Suite 102       voice (416) 618-0184
Connected Object Solutions  Oakville ON Canada L6L 2T2    fax (905) 847-6019