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Re: e$: More fun with cash: Senate Bill 307

On Mon, 4 Sep 1995, Jim Ray wrote:

> Date: Mon, 04 Sep 1995 18:22:43 -0400
> From: Jim Ray <liberty@gate.net>
> To: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: Re: e$: More fun with cash: Senate Bill 307
> Black Unicorn wrote:
> <snips>
> >
> >Actually it was aimed at the rumors that Iran had been printing U.S. 
> >currency on a large scale and using it abroad.  When I say Iran, I mean 
> >a government backed program.  New York Times had an article on the matter 
> >last year.  With enough interest I will try to Lexis/Nexus it.
> I had heard that it was the Columbians, branching out from the cocaine
> business with those fancy new copy machines, which are supposed to be
> able to duplicate the blue & red threads in US currency paper.

I've not heard anything about this.  Any sources?

> Version: 2.6.2
> Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh
> iQCVAwUBMEt7vW1lp8bpvW01AQGnwwQAmPz1SagLoKpAmfUvwyI8GVq8wSOaFH96
> vTarz6PxnuNPHhITIAzPeq8EX5N8MexRfHtMbmK0JOxA5L+B+QHP1rTM8mqUbAJh
> Gg4ZMC9Jzvhq+JENaP8ZG03+pvm1nnZIr8WarY5DJ8FYNMLvDrSUhhWFu7OSo2a+
> fS0NKxpm5Ps=
> =HXa+
> Regards, Jim Ray
> See, when the GOVERNMENT spends money, it creates jobs; whereas 
> when the money is left in the hands of TAXPAYERS, God only knows 
> what they do with it.  Bake it into pies, probably.  Anything to 
> avoid creating jobs.  -- Dave Barry
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> Key id. #  E9BD6D35  James M. Ray  <liberty@gate.net>
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