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Check Cloning frenzy and attack on anonymous accounts

Cypherpunks might want to take note of the recent flurry of news program 
stings on banks which do not demand 12 pieces of identification in order 
to open an account.

The latest horseman, check "cloners."

Two networks have now run hidden camera stings on banks where they offer 
all manner of obnoxious fake identification and open accounts in silly 

The "purpose" being to expose the ease with which a dreaded check 
"cloner" can open an account to transfer your funds into.

The process goes something like this:

Check cloner gets account number from ATM slip or otherwise. Check 
cloner prints up 30 "checks" in any name at all with magnetic ink 
account number on the bottom for the benefit of automatic readers at the 
bank.  Checks are written to the account in false name and withdrawn.

For some reason, the focus seems to be on the ease with which one opens 
an account- rather than with the need to safeguard account information, 
and the lack of oversight by banks.  Of course, the liability for these 
crimes is with the bank, which cleared a check without the proper 

Of course, the immediate solution, rather than insuring the banks pay 
their liability for their insecure payments and check clearing system, 
and their printing account information on any piece of paper they can 
find, is going to be a crackdown on account identification- and probably 
legislation.  (Note that often banks take months to pay the shortfall- 
when they do at all).  New accounts can expect to have to cough up 
significant identification and I predict a re-newed call for national 
identification credentials.

Tell the banks they have to pay within 2 days of the presentation by the 
duped depositor of the fraudulent checks and I would lay odds that the 
banks would be screaming bloody murder for a more secure payments and 
check clearing system than the trash they have now.  Of course, because 
of the ignorance of the media, this will never happen.  Of course, 
paying in cash will never be looked to as an answer either.

Typical creeping statism.

I suggest those of you who open clandestine accounts open a flurry now, 
before things get tough.