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Majordomo results: (NOISE) Re: White House MONITORS Web Pag
>>>> This is NOISE !
**** Command 'this' not recognized.
>>>> DAMION FURI writes:
**** Command 'damion' not recognized.
>>>> > Maybe so, but we don't have to like it. And I don't. But
**** Command '>' not recognized.
>>>> > it's not so much their access, per se, that I object to.
**** Command '>' not recognized.
>>>> Why the hell do you care ? Someone has a home page for something on the Web.
**** Command 'why' not recognized.
>>>> Someone at the White House looks at it. So what ? You object to the fact
**** Command 'someone' not recognized.
>>>> that somebody in the government has a Web browser and *gasp* uses it to read
**** Command 'that' not recognized.
>>>> stuff on the WWW ???
**** Command 'stuff' not recognized.
>>>> > It's their potential intentions,
**** Command '>' not recognized.
>>>> You take moral offense to what you think someone else _might_ be thinking ?
**** Command 'you' not recognized.
>>>> Sounds like you believe in thoughtcrime. Banned any good books lately ?
**** Command 'sounds' not recognized.
>>>> > all things considered, and
**** Command '>' not recognized.
>>>> > the fact that they aren't at all open about such monitoring.
**** Command '>' not recognized.
>>>> This is absurd. You expect the White House to issue a press release every time
**** Command 'this' not recognized.
>>>> a staffer clicks on a URL ?
**** Command 'a' not recognized.
>>>> "WASHINGTON (UPI) The Clinton Administration unveiled plans today to
**** Command '"washington' not recognized.
>>>> add several new sites to the White House bookmarks list. At a hastily
**** Command 'add' not recognized.
>>>> arranged press briefing this morning, Defense Secretary William Perry
**** Command 'arranged' not recognized.
>>>> told reporters that the changes would be implemented in close
**** Command 'told' not recognized.
>>>> consultation with NATO allies. There was little immediate reaction
**** Command 'consultation' not recognized.
>>>> from Capitol Hill. Members on both sides of the aisle said they
**** Command 'from' not recognized.
>>>> needed time to study the proposal in detail."
**** Command 'needed' not recognized.
>>>> Someone please tell me this is just an extremely premature April Fool's joke...
**** Command 'someone' not recognized.
>>>> -Futplex <futplex@pseudonym.com>
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