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Re: Growth of actions definded as crime. Which math formula?
On Tue, 5 Sep 1995, Lucky Green wrote:
> Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 20:50:44 -0800
> From: Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com>
> To: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: Growth of actions definded as crime. Which math formula?
> With every session of Congress, previously legal acts become illegal. Has
> anyone worked out a function of this growth (number of crimes in the books
> vs. time)? I am not looking at the numbers of laws passed, but at
> individual acts that are defined to be illegal. If this has been studied,
> what is the formula? If anyone with access to more appropriate lists could
> please give me a pointer/forward the post there, I'd be grateful.
> TIA,
> -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com>
> PGP encrypted mail preferred.
Really it's hard to answer this because what constitutes a "NEW" act is a
real question in and of itself.
For example, wire fraud. Is it a "NEW" crime? Or just a subset of
fraud, or mail fraud?
Carjacking... is that a new offense? Or just a solidification and
increase of punishment for armed robbery unauthorized use of a motor
vehicle, possession of stolen property, and grand theft auto?
Check forgery now has it's own offense, but is this distinct from forgery?
Most "new offensives" are simply re-classifications of old offenses or
efforts to move them into the federal arena.
I think the conception that entirely new acts are often made illegal
(excepting burning the flag or some such) is an erronious one.
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