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Re: FROM A FRIEND . . . (or the joys of boating)

On Thu, 21 Sep 1995, Landon Dyer wrote:

>   naturally, commuting to canada is probably a *lot* cheaper than
> owning a boat.  the uninitiated have little idea what these holes-
> in-the-water really cost.... :-)

*Loud* chuckles. Who says you have to *own* the boat? (haha) A suitably
paid Canadian boat-captain could easily testify that you arrived every day
to the boat with your trusty laptop, to develop your software within Canada.

The disk with your saved code on it never left the boat. When you 
finished your development, you used a borrowed satellite phone to call up
your ISP in Canada (we're talking physical Canada, not virtual, maritime, and
bullshit Canada) to post your code and uuencoded executables to sci.cript,
and alt.test. And since you used a satellite phone, for the modem 
transmission, no US phone lines were used (a cellphone wouldn't do). 

Of course you wouldn't actually have to do any of this. The gentleman just
has to say it in court. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but.