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Cryptography Global Challenges

International Cryptography Institute 1995

Global Challenges

Thursday-Friday September 21-22, 1995

Presented by
The National Intellectual Property Law Institute
1815 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Fax: (202) 296-4098

President James P. Chandler Emeritus Professor of Law


The International Cryptography Institute will address the
cryptography challenges associated with meeting the
information protection needs of users and the law
enforcement and national security needs of nations.
Topics to be covered include national and international
cryptography policies and regulations, international
requirements and approaches, commercial cryptography,
privacy and trust, key escrow encryption, busines
requirements, law enforcement requirements, and the use
of cryptography with electronic payments.


Keynote Speaker

FBI Director Louis J. Freeh



September 21, 1995

8:30-9:00     Welcome and Opening Remarks

              James Chandler, President, National
              Intellectual Property Law Institute

              Dorothy E. Denning, Chair of Program

              David Kahn, Visiting Historian, National
              Security Agency, U. S.

9:00-9:40     Cryptography in Business

              M. Blake Greenlee, U.S.

9:40-10:20    Commercial Use of Cryptography

              Nick Mansfield, Shell International, The

10:20-10:50   Break

10:50-11:20   Computer Industry Position on Privacy and
              Trust in an Information Society

              Yves Le Roux, Digital Equipment
              Corporation, France

11:20-12:00   The International Cryptography Experiment
              and Worldwide Cryptographic Products

              David Balenson, Trusted Information
              Systems, Inc., U.S.

12:00-12:30   Export Controls on Encryption Software

              Ira Rubenstein, Microsoft Corp., U.S.

12:30-2:00    Lunch with Keynote

              Louis J. Freeh, Director, Federal Bureau
              of Investigation

2:00-3:00     Cryptography and the Information Society:
              Recent Developments in the European Union

              David J. Gould, Cabinet Office, UK

3:00-3:30     Encryption Policy and Technology in Japan

              Mitsuru Iwamura, The Bank of Japan, Japan

3:30-3:50     Break

3:50-4:30     Towards an Australian Policy on Encryption

              Peter Ford, Attomey General's Department,

4:30-5:00     New National Encryption Policies and
              Regulations in Russia

              Anatoly Ledbeder, LAN Crypto Ltd., Russia

5:00-6:00     International Regulation of Cryptography:
              An Update

              James Chandler, National Intellectual
              Property Law Institute, US.

5:30-6:30     Reception


September 22

8:30-9:20     U.S. Government Cryptography Policy

              Michael R. Nelson, Office of Science and
              Technology Policy, US.

              Ronald D. Lee, National Security Agency,

9:20-10:10    Law Enforcement Requirements for

              William E. Baugh, Jr., Edward L. Allen,
              Michael D. Gilmore, Federal Bureau of
              Investigation, US.

10:10-10:40   Break

10:40-11:20   Intemational Key Escrow Encryption

              Dorothy E. Denning, Georgetown University,

11:20-12:00   Transnational Key Escrow
              Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Villanova
              University School of Law, US.

12:00-1:30    Lunch

1:30-3:00     Commercial and International Key Escrow

              Stewart A. Baker, Steptoe & Johnson, US.,

              Stephen T. Walker, Trusted Information
              Systerns, Inc, US.

              Frank Sudia, Bankers Trust Company, US.

              Carmi Gressel and Itai Dror
              Fortress U & T Ltd., Israel

3:00-3:20     Break

3:20-4:00     Billing and Paying Over the Internet

              Dan Schutzer, Citibank, US.



Faculty Chair
Dr Dorothy Denning

Mr. Edward L. Allen
Supervisory Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mr. Stewart Abercrombie Baker
Steptoe & Johnson

Mr. David Balenson
Senior Computer Scientist
Trusted Information Systems, Inc.

Mr. Wllliam E. Baugh, Jr.
Assistant Director,
Information Resources Division

Dr. Ernest F. Brickell
Vice President
Bankers Trust Electronic Commerce
c/o Sandia National Labs Applied Math Dept.

Prof. James Chandler
National Intellectual Property Law Institute

Dr. Dorothy E. Denning
Computer Science Department
Georgetown University

Mr. Peter Ford
First Assistant Secretary, Security Division
Attorney General's Department

Mr. Louis J. Freeh, Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Mr. Michael D. Gilmore
Supervisory Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Engineering Research Facility

Mr. David J. Gould
Under Secretary of State
Overseas and Defence Secretariat
Cabinet Office, London

Mr. M. Blake Greenlee
M. Blake Greenlee Associates. Ltd.

Dr. Carmi Gressel
Engineering Manager
Fortress U & T, Ltd.

Mr. David Kahn
Visiting Historian
National Security Agency,
and author, "The Codebreakers"

Dr. Anotoly Lebedev
LAN Crypto, Ltd.

Mr. Mitsuru Iwamura
Chief Manager
Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies
The Bank of Japan

Mr. Ronald D. Lee
General Counsel
National Security Agency

Mr. Yves Le Roux
Central Engineering, Security Program
Digital Equipment Corp.

Mr. Nick Mansfield
Shell International Petroleum Mattschappij B.V.
The Hague
The Netherlands

Mr. Michael R. Nelson
Special Assistant, Information Technology
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Old Executive Office Building. Washington DC 20506

Mr. Henry H. Perritt, Jr.
Professor of Law
Villanova University School of Law
Villanova, PA 19085

Mr. Ira Rubinstein
Senior Corporate Attorney
Microsoft Corp
Redmond, WA 98052

Dr. Dan Schutzer
Vice President

Dr. Frank Sudia
Vice President
BT Electronics Commerce
Bankers Trust Co., New York

Mr. Stephen T. Walker
Trusted Information Systems, Inc.


Location and Fees

ICI '95 will be held at the National Intellectual
Property Law Institute, 1815 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Washington, DC, third floor.

Registration is $695 before September 1 and $795
thereafter ($395/495 for U.S. Government). Payment
includes all conference materials, two lunches, and a
cocktail reception.

Cancellations Fees: All registration is subject to a $50
fee. Tuition will not be refunded if notice of
cancellation is received after September 1. 1995, but a
substitute attendee may be sent. Postmarks will not be
considered in determining timeliness of receipt.

Hotel Accommodations: A limited block of rooms has been
reserved at the Wyndam Bristol. However, registrants must
make their own hotel reservations and indicate that they
are attending the International Cryptography Institute
1995. Room reservations may be made by calling or writing
the Wyndam Bristol Hotel, 2430 Pennsylvania Ave.. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 955-6000.

CLE Credit: CLE credit in mandatory states will be
applied for as requested.


Course Registration Form



Fee:                    General            US. Gov't

Before 9/1/95           $695               $395
After 9/1/95            $795               $495

Payment (check one) Check payable to The National
Intellectual Property Law Institute

_______ Master Card           ________VISA

Card #
Expiration Date:

Registration by Fax: 800-304-MIND  Phone:  800-301-MIND 
                     202-296 4098          202-842-48000

Mail Registration with payment to:
The National Intellectual Property Law Institute
1815 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
