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Darren Reed: Re: NSA and the Internet.

Forwarded from com-priv. Anyone out there have information they can
use to confirm or deny any of this?


------- Forwarded Message

From: Darren Reed <avalon@coombs.anu.edu.au>
Subject: Re: NSA and the Internet.
To: com-priv@lists.psi.com
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 17:36:11 +1000 (EST)

Now that I've got it next to me...
> I was reading a journal recently which mentioned the NSA were taking
> an active role in monitoring the network at key points, such as FIX
> East and West and MAE East and West.  Can anyone comment on this (if
> they're allows :) ?

To name some more names mentioned as being NAPs under surveillance:
Pennsauken, NJ (Sprint); Chicago (AmeriTech/Bell Comms. Research);
San Francisco, CA (Pacific Bell); CIX, CA (San Jose); SWAB, North Virginia
(Bell Atlantic).

There is a rather worrying quote in the article about NASA capturing data
for the NSA.

The column closes with a comparison to a case where the NSA was almost
prosecuted by the US Justice Dept. in the '70s for anti-Vietnam War
group surveillence.

The article appeared in "Computer Fraud & Security", June 1995.
American editor is:
Charles Cresson Wood
information Integrity Investments
Sausalito, CA, USA
The article in question, titled
"Puzzle Palaze Conducting Internet Surveillance" is by Wayne Madsen of
Virginia.  No Internet E-mail address listed for either of the American
contriubtors mentioned above.


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