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Re: Another Netscape Bug (and possible security hole)


Jeff Weinstein <jsw@neon.netscape.com> writes:

>   Not that I want to divert attention away from netscape(OK, maybe I
> do :-) ), but does this bug exist in any other common browser?

Lynx can handle it on the info page (reached by pressing '='), but:

In response to selecting the long domain name found in the Warning link in
http://www.grfn.org/~conrad/test.shtml, lynx replied:

- - -

Sorry, you have encountered a bug in Lynx Ver. 2-4-2

Please send a concise mail message to
lynx-bug@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu describing what you were doing,
the URL you were looking at or attempting to access,
your operating system name with version number,
the TCP/IP implementation that your system is using,
and any other information you deem relevant.

Do not mail the core file if one was generated.

Lynx now exiting with signal:  11

Exiting via interrupt: exit(0)

- - -

[No core file was generated]

My system is: (uname -a)

Linux russell 1.3.26 #2 Thu Sep 14 08:34:38 EDT 1995 i486

Netscape 1.1N for linux crashed in a way that locked my system up, and
caused endless trashing.  I had to reboot, but my filesystem was
undamaged.  Not sure why it crashed and burned on my system while others
have gotten such nice SegVs and core files.  I guess I managed to get
just the right (wrong) thing onto the stack.  :-)  :-(

(P.S. Whoops, just realized that I rebooted with a different kernel;
Lynx did indeed crash under 1.3.26 (post-reboot), but Netscape crashed
under 1.2.13 (pre-reboot).  Pardon me if I don't re-try under 1.3.26,
but having X lock up and hearing my disk trash is not something I relish.)


Version: 2.6.2


Last line above should read: "hearing my disk *thrash* ...," not trash.
Signing messages is non-trivial with my current set up, so I don't feel
like re-doing it for such a minor glitch.

David R. Conrad, conrad@detroit.freenet.org, http://www.grfn.org/~conrad
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