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On Thu, 7 Sep 1995 yihchun@saul3.u.washington.edu wrote:
> > Poor you, the only major political party to come out with a pro crypto
> > statement is a socialist party.
>I think the libertarian position is inherently pro-crypto.
>Besides, the French are socialist, and well, as far as crypto goes...
Wrong! First of all, Jacques Chiraq (French President) and the majority of
the French parliament are conservatives. Secondly, a statement like
"the French are Socialist" is a (untrue) generalization. You are probably
thinking of Francois Mitterand ("socialist"), who became French
President in the 80's, and the first French Socialist President ever.
Chiraq, by the way, is the genius behind the recommencement of
Nuclear testing in French Polynesia
"Test them in France if there's no risk of radioactive leakage"
-Arve Kjoelen
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville