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(NOISE) Re: White House MONITORS Web Pages !

This is NOISE !

>         Maybe so, but we don't have to like it.  And I don't.  But
>         it's not so much their access, per se, that I object to.

Why the hell do you care ?  Someone has a home page for something on the Web.
Someone at the White House looks at it. So what ?  You object to the fact
that somebody in the government has a Web browser and *gasp* uses it to read
stuff on the WWW ???
>	It's their potential intentions, 

You take moral offense to what you think someone else _might_ be thinking ?  
Sounds like you believe in thoughtcrime. Banned any good books lately ?

> 	all things considered, and
>         the fact that they aren't at all open about such monitoring.

This is absurd. You expect the White House to issue a press release every time
a staffer clicks on a URL ?  

	"WASHINGTON (UPI) The Clinton Administration unveiled plans today to
	add several new sites to the White House bookmarks list. At a hastily
	arranged press briefing this morning, Defense Secretary William Perry 
	told reporters that the changes would be implemented in close 
	consultation with NATO allies. There was little immediate reaction 
	from Capitol Hill. Members on both sides of the aisle said they 
	needed time to study the proposal in detail."

Someone please tell me this is just an extremely premature April Fool's joke...

-Futplex <futplex@pseudonym.com>