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MS Word Virus

For info and helpful links on the MS Word macro virus, see:

     URL: http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/first/resources/word.html


Information on the Microsoft Word Virus Reports

   Comments welcomed: first-sec@first.org 
   This page contains links to information and related 
utilities for the
   Microsoft Word Macro Virus. The links and text on this page 
   mostly donated by a fellow FIRST member. The FIRST 
Secretariat would
   like to express its appreciation to this member and others 
who have
   contributed information.
   Microsoft's Writeup  Microsoft has a writeup on the 
virus-like macro
   and has a scanning tool to remove the problem.
   Macintosh advisory
   DataFellows Web page         DataFellows (the people who 
   FProt) has an excellent informational web page, including 
images of
   what you would see if you had the virus. Also, you can 
   DataFellows' utility, which works on both PC's and 
   Download DataFellows Utility
   IBM Writeup  An excellent write up by IBM.
   NCSA page    The National Computer Security Assiciation has 
a page
   which contains images of what you'd see if you had the 
   S&S Writeup  A writeup by S&S, the makers of Dr. Solomon's 
   Sophos Plc   A page written by Sophos Plc.
   AVP Page
          Eugene Kaspersky of the AVP Computer Virus Research 
Lab, wrote
          this excellent web page on the virus.
   Dave Phillips Information page.
          A page written by Dave Phillips.
          A page consisting of an announcement and email 
traffic, written
          by NH&A.
   Datawatch Virus Definition Update
          Datawatch, (Virex), present a virus definition update 
to their
          product to find this virus on Macintoshes.