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MS-Word macros disassembler/cracker?
This was on the Info-Sec mailing list and appears to be a request for
help in cracking some sort of execute-only wrappers on MicroSoft
Word-for-Windows macros, the concern being that the macros need to be
defused if they're malignant. If anybody wants to, they may respond right
to: njb@csehost.knoware.nl <Niels J. Bjergstrom>.
. . . .
>All the macros are made ExecuteOnly, meaning that they are compiled or
>encrypted so that the Word macro interpretor can execute them, but they
>cannot be listed or edited. Does anyone reading this list happen to know
>where we can find a cracker or disassembler for ExecuteOnly Word macros? It
>is of vital importance that we are able to read malignant Word macros, and
>any help will be appreciated.
. . . .
>macro vira to us at the email address below. And I repeat: We are very
>interested in obtaining a cracker for the Word macro language
>encryptor/compiler. We haven't looked at this yet. For all we know it could
>be very simple, but any info is appreciated.
>-- Niels J Bjergstrom, Ph.D., m/ISACA Tel. +31 70 362 2269 --
>-- Computer Security Engineers, Ltd. Fax. +31 70 365 2286 --
>-- Postbus 85 502, NL-2508 CE Den Haag London: +44 181 519 8011 --
>-- Netherlands Email: njb@csehost.knoware.nl --
>-- PGP Public key available on request - please use when mailing vira --