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Re: Netscape closes up 1 3/8 today!

> At 1:30 PM 9/21/95, sameer wrote:
> >        The only bad publicity is no publicity.
> This assumes that you're trying to sell something.  Some people actually
> have no use or desire for publicity.  Publicity has caused a quick and
> painful death to many scenes, movements, cabals, and "temporary autonomous
> zones."

	Yes, this is a good point. If you are trying to sell
something, then, the only bad publicity is no publicity. But you are
describing cases where -any- publicity is detrimental to the "thing",
in which case the publicity, "bad" or "good", is "bad".

sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
Community ConneXion				FAX:	 510-601-9734
An Internet Privacy Provider			Dialin:  510-658-6376
http://www.c2.org (or login as "guest")			sameer@c2.org