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Re: PGP for Linux 1.2.8
On Mon, 18 Sep 1995, Bret A. Johnson wrote:
> Can anyone tell me where a version of PGP 2.62 can be found for Linux?
> I got one off of ftp.berkeley.edu (pgp262s.zip) and it (or I can not
> get it) to compile on my system..
It compiled on mine just fine. Be sure you have an up to date
bintools and gcc.
1. Make sure you are using 2.5.2/2.6.3. Thats how I compiled mine.
2. Unzip the source in /usr/src/pgp (or whereever)
3. cd /usr/src/pgp/rsaref/install/unix
4. make
5. cd /usr/src/pgp/src
6. make linux
And you should have a pgp binary.
7. cp /usr/src/pgp/src/pgp /usr/local/bin/pgp
Though they might differ, the MD5 hash of my Linux version is
Good luck!
+---- Yih-Chun Hu (finger:yihchun@cs.washington.edu) ----------------------+
| http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/yihchun yihchun@cs.washington.edu |
| http://weber.u.washington.edu/~yihchun yihchun@u.washington.edu |
+---- PGP Key Fingerprints (Keys by FINGER or on WWW) ---------------------+
| 1024/E50EC641 B2 A0 DE 9E 36 C0 EB A6 F9 3E D2 DD 2F 27 74 79 |
| 2047/DF0403F9 18 EB 62 C8 7F 06 04 67 42 76 24 E2 99 D1 07 DC |
+---- Random Thought ------------------------------------------------------+
|I conducted an experiment to test Murphy's Law, but everything went wrong.|