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Re: Crypto in Wired

>Good issue of Wired this month (10/95)
>Vic Sussman has a half page on PGPfone. Asked why he's giving away PGPfone
>with an inditement hanging over his head Zimmermann says "... I am a
>cryptographer. This is what I do".

You need the full quote to get the real effect:

<<Why is Zimmermann giving away voice-crypto when the feds are still
dangling an indictment over his head? "Because it's still legal for
Americans to hold a private conversation," he says. "And because I'm a
crypographer. This is what I do.">>

That is a remarkably concise, intelligent, informative, unequivocal, savvy,
and personal statement. Hats off to PZ (or whoever told him to say that).

Steven Weller                      |  "The Internet, of course, is more
+1 415 390 9732                    |  than just a place to find pictures
                                   |  of people having sex with dogs."
stevenw@iglou.com                  |       -- Time Magazine, 3 July 1995