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Zimmerman's statute
On Fri, 1 Sep 1995, Alan Westrope wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Sep 1995, Michael Froomkin <mfroomki@umiami.ir.miami.edu> wrote:
> > I think he would have to be charged first. Have I missed something?
> > PS when does the statute of limitations run out?
> June '96. Zimmermann and Dubois appeared on a local talk radio show
> recently; a friend happened to catch the program, taped it, and played
> excerpts at a Cypherpunks meeting. This date was mentioned by Phil Dubois.
I wouldn't be so sure. There are lots of "creative" ways to, in effect,
extend the statute. My personal sense is that DOJ eventually wants to
get this over with, so presumably would not attempt to be so "creative."
The "usual" statute of limitations for federal crimes is 5 years, but
conspiracy, RICO, bank fraud, tax offenses, and no doubt others that
don't occur to me right now, muddy the 5 year statute. Bank fraud, for
example, has a 10 year statute.