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On Sun, 3 Sep 1995, Brian Davis wrote:

> I, of course, know of the "dislike" of GAK here.  I am curious to know, 
> however, if the "dislike" is because government would have access under 
> any circumstances or if the primary worry is that government will cheat 
> and get access when most would agree that they shouldn't (either by the 
> judge "cheating" or a TLA stealing it).

...or "somebody else" (ie commercial competitor, personal or political 
rival, etc) paying off somebody to obtain it.  I don't trust the gvm't to 
only get access when they should, either.

> In other words ... if it took agreement by a review board composed of 
> non-LEA members of this list, would the escrow be acceptable??

Not necessarily; the members of the review board can be bribed, 
blackmailed, lied to, etc.  I don't believe there's a competent review 
board available...nor do I think such a thing could be created.

Jon Lasser                <jlasser@rwd.goucher.edu>            (410)494-3072 
          Visit my home page at http://www.goucher.edu/~jlasser/
  You have a friend at the NSA: Big Brother is watching. Finger for PGP key.