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Re: Helping out on site

On 2 Sep 1995 20:47:04 -0600, you wrote:

>On 2 Sep 1995, Dar Scott wrote:
>> >I finished my first release, a megabyte-sized file done in MORE, a powerful
>> >outline processor (which enabled me to maintain notes, make
>> >cross-references, and generally manage such a huge writing project). I
>> >released it last year, and put it in my anonymous ftp account at
>> >ftp.netcom.com, in the directory /pub/tc/tcmay, as the file CP-FAQ. Netcom
>> >is often very crowded, though.
>> After several tries I was not able to get this.  Has anyone made it
>> available in an alternate location?
>Tim mentioned that we're planning on spiffing up the cypherpunks web
>site (including using a real web server) and the cyphernomicon is an
>obvious candidate for inclusion - depending on how many people help out,
>the new site (a quasi-mirror at first, till we get sameer/et al's
>go-ahead) should be live within a couple weeks.
>If you're interested in gathering documents, hacking HTML, or anything
>else involved in creating/maintaining a web hierarchy, drop me a line.
>The space/delivery of the documents we're providing for free, but I
>don't have a budget to hire a staff to do things the "right way" (my way :)
>for this project.
>   Jay Campbell - Regional Operations Manager
>   -=-=-=-=-=-=-  Sense Networking (Santa Cruz Node)   edge@you.got.net 
>                  "Shoot the Fruit Loop"               408.469.9400

Let me know if I can be of any assistance.  I'm no UNIX guru, but I
can find my way around, and I can "hack"(literally! :-) ) HMTL (I use
the HotDog HTML editor).  I've been lurking around the list for awhile
now, and this looks like a good opportunity to be "of service".  Just
let me know, or reply if you have any questions.  Thanks.


     Ken Kennedy  <kenzoid@io.com> or <kkennedy@mindspring.com>
                  Finger kenzoid@io.com for PGP public key...