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Re: It's Wednesday
On Sep 28, 6:43am, Duncan Frissell wrote:
> Subject: Re: It's Wednesday
> On 28 Sep 1995, Jeff Weinstein wrote:
> > Sure. Its on ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape. It has been there
> > for several hours.
> Late Wednesday. Of course whoever created the directories/files had his
> machine date set to *1994* so some of same are date stamped Tuesday
> September 27 1994.
They were put up some time between 4 and 6pm PST. As far as I can
tell, all of the files are dated in 1995.
Jeff Weinstein - Electronic Munitions Specialist
Netscape Communication Corporation
jsw@netscape.com - http://home.netscape.com/people/jsw
Any opinions expressed above are mine.