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Re: Cypherpunks Press release

On Sep 22,  6:26, Dave Del Torto sent the following to the NSA's mail
> Subject: Re: Cypherpunks Press release
|| I think a media contact group is a good idea too, but I think we should
|| handle it by having a special address <cypherpunks-press@toad.com> that
|| media people can send to to request information and that it should split
|| the incoming mail and route it to a group of volunteers who could then
|| respond. Question from media people are usually NOT going to be heavily
|| tech-oriented, and this sort of press list would give the lesser
|| cryptologists among us, who nevertheless have a significant amount of
|| knowledge about public policy issues concerning crypto, a chance to be
|| useful.

I like this idea, too, except that it presupposes that the journalists who
want to contact cypherpunks have access to email.  Although that's a common
thing, it's not uniformly available yet.  Still, it's a useful service for
those journalists who do have access to email.  Perhaps both could be done,
with the people on the mailing list also available via conventional means
for the less techno-savvy journalists.

David J. Bianco			| Web Wonders, Online Oddities, Cool Stuff
iTribe, Inc.			| Phone: (804) 446-9060 Fax: (804) 446-9061
Suite 1700, World Trade Center	| email: <bianco@itribe.net>
Norfolk, VA 23510		| URL  : http://www.itribe.net/~bianco/