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Seattle Cypherpunks

Seattle-area Cypherpunks Get Together
Thursday, September 28
7:30 PM

Seattle Center House/Food Circus
Entrance opposite the Flag Pavillion

look for a table with a Compaq laptop busily signing keys

This is a very informal, unstructured get together.  More of a chance to
meet other folks with similar interests.  With all of the recent activities
in crypto-land, I'm sure there will be lots to talk about.  Bring a disk
with your key so I can put my ancient 386 laptop to some good use.  I'll
also load up some relatively new Windows crypto software for show and tell.

Eastsiders (Bellevue/Redmond environs) that don't feel like braving the
bridge, let me know.  I've got a van and will be headed west from Carnation
and would be happy to car-pool.

Hope to see you there...

Joel McNamara
joelm@eskimo.com - http://www.eskimo.com/~joelm for PGP key
Thomas Jefferson used strong crypto, shouldn't you?