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Re: RSA/Cylink arbitration agreement on-line

At 7:13 AM 9/25/95, Brian A. LaMacchia wrote:
>[I haven't seen this mentioned yet on the list...]
>Cylink has been kind enough to put a copy of the arbitration panel's
>decision on their web page.  Cylink's home page is www.cylink.com.  The
>URL for the actual agreement is:
>        http://www.cylink.com/arbtrn_1.html
>Spin doctors aside, it doesn't look like either company gained much over
>the other.  I'm not an attorney, but the way I read the agreement RSAREF
>can continue to be used without violating the Stanford patents.  RSA DSI
>cannot *sublicense* the Stanford patents to third parties, but can *sell
>code* that practices the methods claimed in the Stanford patents.  That
>code can then be incorporated into other products, which is exactly what
>PGP 2.6.2 does (it's linked against a copy of the RSAREF library, which
>is covered by the RSAREF license agreement).

As far as I can tell, that seems to sum it up. In addition, RSA agrees
in all their contracts to indemnify the licensee regarding RSA's rights to
assign the various technologies. When I called to speak to them, they
reiterated their stance. Since, we are going to be handling RSAREF, the
validity of RSAREF licenses was of some importance. Having gone through
the arbitration ruling things seem to be on track.

I'll post more of this to the RSAREF Announce list for folk.


..Jonathan Zamick                    Consensus Development Corporation..
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