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Re: Seeds which depend on machine states
At 08:19 AM 9/22/95 -0700, Patrick Horgan wrote:
> That assumes that you have someway of measuring the timing to microsecond
> precision. On most machines I've been on, if you get something time-
> stamped, even if there is a microsecond portion of the timestamp it's
> meaningless because it wasn't based on a timer with the required precision.
On Windows there is a timer with the required precision -- not microsecond
accuracy of course -- microsecond precision. For our purposes the less
accuracy the better.
We have the right to defend ourselves | http://www.jim.com/jamesd/
and our property, because of the kind |
of animals that we are. True law | James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the |
arbitrary power of the state. | jamesd@echeque.com