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> I'm dealing with it the same way I'm dealing with the few people who have
> something in their MIME setup that triggers my mailer (Eudora Pro 2.1) to
> treat their text as attachments. Namely, by filtering them out.

Because there were two complaints on this, I'd like to find out why.

I'm using a modified version of Elm, Michael Elkins' 2.4PL24ME4 version.
Among other features, this adds integrated PGP support, and uses the
content-type application/pgp for it.

Here is the complete header on the message I sent, as returned:

: From owner-cypherpunks@toad.com Sun Sep 17 23:26:25 1995
: Return-Path: <owner-cypherpunks@toad.com>
: Received: from relay3.UU.NET by yage.tembel.org with smtp 
: 	(Smail3.1.29.1 #9) id m0suQWm-000HZ2a; Sun, 17 Sep 95 16:41 EDT
: Received: from toad.com by relay3.UU.NET with SMTP 
: 	id QQzhpy19217; Sun, 17 Sep 1995 16:30:47 -0400
: Received: by toad.com id AA23554; Sun, 17 Sep 95 13:28:04 PDT
: Received: from yage.tembel.org by toad.com id AA23543; Sun, 17 Sep 95 13:27:55 PDT
: Received: by yage.tembel.org (Smail3.1.29.1 #9)
: 	id m0suQJV-000HYvC; Sun, 17 Sep 95 20:27 GMT
: Message-Id: <m0suQJV-000HYvC@yage.tembel.org>
: From: shields@tembel.org (Michael Shields)
: Subject: cypherpunks as a newsgroup
: To: cypherpunks@toad.com
: Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 20:27:43 +0000 (GMT)
: X-Dogma: Microsoft is not the answer.
:          Microsoft is the question.
:          No is the answer.
: Mime-Version: 1.0
: Content-Type: application/pgp
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
: Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com
: Precedence: bulk
: Content-Length: 1092

I think that it must be the content-type that is causing problems, as
the rest of the message is completely standard.  To the people whose
mailers broke out in hives at that message: Do you get the same behavior
with any message having an unknown content-type?