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Re: AOL monitoring

In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950917113021.11534E@amanda.dorsai.org>, you wrote:
> A further hint as to why this won't work:  the client software doesn't 
> keep track of which messages you've read in a discussion area, AOL's 
> server's do.  How do I know this?  Because I use AOL on a Mac from home, 

Ohhh-God, not again...

Can anyone remember the Prodigy rumor? How IBM was snooping around
your hard disk, and it turned out to be nothing but a swapfile. Does
"Good times" ring a bell? And don't get me started on MicroSoft 
Network rumors...

1) 90% of the FTP sites I use mention that they log xfers.

2) My .newsrc file can tell anyone that I read alt.hackers and alt.2600

3) My address book shows who I send mail often enough to warrent me
   putting in a nickname.

4) My sent-mail folder shows who I sent mail to in the past year.

5) My bookmark file shows that I read the NYC-Speedtraps page one or
   two time a week.

I am sure that AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe and Acme Internet all log what 
mail/news/web pages/ftp sites you have visited, in one way or another.
Does this bother me? A little. I use a local Internet provider with
an OS I understand enough to know what is logged and what is not logged.
My fear is not LEA, but crackers. As long as I make myself a hard
target- they vultures will look elseware. I repeat this like a mantra 
yet no one belives me- IF YOU WANT PRIVACY, DON'T USE THE PHONE. Once 
the headset is raised, big brother is online. If you do not like those
rules, don't play the game.

Salvatore Denaro		
sal@panix.com             I waited for the joke/It never did arrive.
Yes, I use PGP         Words I thought I'd choke/I hardly recognize.