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Re: [NOISE] "hacker" was: first virtual "security"

At  2:03 AM 9/21/95 -0400, Ian Goldberg wrote:
>In article <0kMA2EqMc50eMEb4Yx@nsb.fv.com>,
>Nathaniel Borenstein  <nsb@nsb.fv.com> wrote:
>>If an SSL-like scheme were in wide use world-wide, the hacker who just
>>made a name for himself by breaking SSL could instead have gone down in
>Ugh.  That word again.  I'm only 22, but I'm old enough to remember
>when there were people called "crackers", and being called a "hacker"
>was a _good_ thing.

Hey, this guy didn't steal anything, and he publicized the hole.  He wasn't
a criminal, he was a good guy.  That's why I called him a hacker.  -- NB