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[More NOISE] Re: Netscape for OS/2, when? (Re: Another Netscape Bug)

At 09:30 AM 9/26/95 EDT, Sentiono Leowinata wrote:

>I wish Netscape will port it to OS/2 (already ask them, but no comment
>from Netscape). I don't try it on Netscape 1.1N as it doesn't run
>reliably under Win-OS/2 (10 min -> crash! ;)

According to Netscape they will *NEVER* support OS/2.  (They have made the
statement a number of times.)  They seem to think that OS/2 will never
amount to much.  (They may be right...)
|  Minister of Forced Caffinization in the DNRC   | alano@teleport.com   |
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