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Crimestoppers anon tip mailbox


Frank Stuart <fstuart@vetmed.auburn.edu> writes:

> Now that you mention it, it seems to me that completely anonymous tipsters
> with the ability to receive ecash rewards would likely be a bigger boon to
> law enforcement types than would easily tappable communications lines.  
> Is anyone in a position to set up a cypherpunks CrimeStoppers mailbox (for
> use through the remailers)?

I might be.

>  You could set up a web-page with instructions
>  and a list of crimes for which there are rewards.  Perhaps some civic
>  organizations would be willing to donate money for tips leading to arrests
>  and convictions of any crimes.

Excellent idea.  Then it could be brought to the attention of a candidate
or two that have net.crime on their agendas.

>  Even if it doesn't catch any bad guys, it'd be
>  great PR for strong crypto, anonymity, ecash and whoever runs it.

Well, I don't know about the last part - it seems to me that opinions
would be mixed.

The only thing that I'm not sure of is the use of ecash - mostly
because I haven't really been keeping track of the state of the
art.  Could some people who are better informed on the subject
discuss whether this is a feasible way to use it?

I wasn't actually thinking of rewards, mostly because you'd have to
arrange some sort of reply block from the anonymous tip mailbox.
Most people (even remailer users) don't know how or don't wish to
use these, so I don't know if that part would really fly.

David C. Lambert

Version: 2.6.2
