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Cryptography Technical Report Server: Bad URL

My previous post about the Cryptography Technical Report Server (CTRS)
contained a bad URL, so some of you who tried to access it recently
weren't able to find it.  My apologies.

The problem has been fixed, though, so CTRS can now *really* be found at


We're upgrading our SPARC Webserver to a spiffy new Challenge-S, so
not only should you now have no problem finding CTRS, but it should
also respond pretty quickly.

David J. Bianco			| Web Wonders, Online Oddities, Cool Stuff
iTribe, Inc.			|
Suite 1700, World Trade Center	| email: <bianco@itribe.net>
Norfolk, VA 23510		| URL  : http://www.itribe.net/~bianco/