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Re: Slightly faster checking for encrypted messages to me

Hal --

I've actually given this some thought in the past, and
the most practical solution IMHO is much lower tech, although it
only works on non-initial messages in a correspondence.

If two entities want to communicate via a message pool,
without worrying about traffic analysis, but don't want
the overhead of trying to decrypt every headerless
message to the pool, then they can do the following:

1) In a "headered" message, one of the entities (A) sends
   a collection of large random numbers to be used as return
   markers, encrypted with the public key of the desired
   correspondent (B).

2) B can then respond to A with an essentially headerless
   message prefixed with one of the numbers send by A.
   This initial message should contain a list of similar
   numbers for B, that A can use to send messages to B.

3) Numbers are only used once; entities can now quickly
   scan the message pool by hashing the initial N bits
   of each message into a lookup table seeded with all
   the remaining random return markers they've distributed.

4) As an extension, you can divide your message pools
   into "initial contact" pools, which would begin with
   headerless public key encrypted blocks, and "conversation"
   pools that would begin with return markers. (Of course
   this is trivially open to denial of service attacks.)

This is the basic principal behind the TA-resistant streams
over UDP stuff I wrote up for cypherpunks last spring, except
in that case a given server does the lookup first, and only
then tries to treat the header as a public key encrypted
block instead of a MAC.

The Rabin stuff is a step in the right direction for the long
term, however.