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Encryption algorithms used in PrivaSoft

Dear PrivaSoft-

Your Web page, "What is PrivaSoft ?" 
(http://www.megasoft.com/privasoft/about.html) says:

> How does it work? 
> PrivaSoft scrambles and descrambles an image of the document using Bitmap 
> encryption. When scrambling, PrivaSoft divides the document into tiny tiles
> and shuffles them pseudo-randomly using your secret key as part of the
> encryption algorithm.

This is an extremely general description of encryption and decryption. I am
interested in learning more about the cryptographic algorithms used in the
PrivaSoft product. Where should I look for further details ?  Are there
technical contacts within your organization who would be willing to discuss
this in email ?  References would be greatly appreciated.

-L. McCarthy <lmccarth@cs.umass.edu>