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Re: Netscape bug update

On Sep 22,  2:26, Ray Cromwell sent the following to the NSA's mail
> Subject: Netscape bug update
||   I just verified in GDB using a stack trace that the Netscape overflow
|| bug I mentioned is indeed a static stack buffer overflow. It trashes
|| the stack.
||   What this means is that in theory, it is possible to get a simple
|| URL, if clicked on, to execute some code on someone's browser.
||   Now the hard work begins...

This is a new feature of Netscape 2.0, part of the Java package
I believe... ;-)

David J. Bianco			| Web Wonders, Online Oddities, Cool Stuff
iTribe, Inc.			| Phone: (804) 446-9060 Fax: (804) 446-9061
Suite 1700, World Trade Center	| email: <bianco@itribe.net>
Norfolk, VA 23510		| URL  : http://www.itribe.net/~bianco/