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Re: Fraud Fraut Froth

On Thu, 21 Sep 1995 anonymous@freezone.remailer.mindport.net wrote:

> NY Times, Sept 21, 1995.
> Fraud Can Flourish Without the Internet
> To the Editor:
> Your Sept. 19 front-page article on the discovery by two
> University of California graduate students of a flaw in
> Netscape, the software used for purchases over the Internet's
> World Wide Web, raises a number of obvious questions.
> First, who needs high tech to perpetrate fraud? Any
> unscrupulous commercial employee could use or sell your credit
> card number without employing technology.
> Every time you hand your card to a waiter in a restaurant, it
> disappears for several minutes. The department store clerks
> and gas station attendants you deal with also have access to
> your card number. How secure is that?


> Robert Herrig
> Peekskill, N.Y., Sept. 19,1995.
> The writer is a systems consultant.

[For Netscape?]

"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
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