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Re: AOL monitoring

>Ohhh-God, not again...
>Can anyone remember the Prodigy rumor? How IBM was snooping around
>your hard disk, and it turned out to be nothing but a swapfile. Does
>"Good times" ring a bell? And don't get me started on MicroSoft
>Network rumors...
>1) 90% of the FTP sites I use mention that they log xfers.
>2) My .newsrc file can tell anyone that I read alt.hackers and alt.2600
>3) My address book shows who I send mail often enough to warrent me
>   putting in a nickname.
>4) My sent-mail folder shows who I sent mail to in the past year.
>5) My bookmark file shows that I read the NYC-Speedtraps page one or
>   two time a week.

Zterm and Anarchie both default to logging transfers. AOL on the Mac has a
button on the download manager that lets you view a list of items you have

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