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Electronic Commerce

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From: Ravi Kalakota <kalakota@uts.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: Electronic Commerce
To: www-buyinfo@allegra.att.com
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 23:52:47 -0600 (CDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0

(If you have seen this before, we apologize ....)


FINAL CALL for Participation
            International Conference on Electronic Commerce

This posting includes: Final Program, Registration form,
Hotel, and Speaker information. All other conference related
information can be found at:

---->     http://cism.bus.utexas.edu/ravi/ecomm.html


-- Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston
       (Conference Organizers)

If you are interested, please register quickly as
we have limited space available and will not be able to
accomodate more than conference room capacity.

*************  FINAL PROGRAM ***********
Sixth conference on Organizational Computing, Coordination and

Theme: Frontiers of Electronic Commerce
October 30-31, 1995

Sunday, October 29 6-7:00 p.m.
Reception at Red Lion Hotel,

6121 North IH 35, Austin, Texas

Monday, October 30

7:45 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:15 a.m. Welcome Address

Session I:  Internet-Based Commerce:
                        The Promises and Pitfalls
8:30 a.m. An Unaffiliated View of Electronic Commerce
                Dave Crocker
                Brandenburg Consulting

Issues in Electronic Commerce: The First Virtual Experience
                Nathaniel Borenstein
                First Virtual Holdings

Session II:  Electronic Payment Systems
10:30 a.m. Implementing Online Payments:

The NetCash and NetCheque Systems
Clifford Neuman

Systems of Electronic Commerce: Payment and More
Win Treese
Open Market, Inc.

 Session III: Electronic Catalogs and Brokerages
1:30 p.m. Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs
Arthur M. Keller
Stanford University and Commerce Net

Organizing for Electronic Commerce
Ravi Kalakota
The University of Rochester

Session IV:  World Wide Web and Electronic Documents
3:30 p.m. Formalizing Web Technology
Dan Connolly
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/W3 Organization

Document Issues in Electronic Commerce
Larry Masinter
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

6:30 p.m.Banquet at Red Lion Hotel
Tuesday, October 31

8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast

Session V:  Internet Marketing and Demographics

8:30 a.m. Marketing on the Internet: Who is Making Money?
Jill H. Ellsworth
Oak Ridge Research

Measuring the Internet Audience
Donna Hoffman
Vanderbilt University and Interval Research Corporation

Session VI:  Supply Chain Management
10:30 a.m.Electronic Commerce and Supply Chain Management
Jan Stallaert
The University of Texas at Austin

Electronic Data Interchange
Forrest Malone
Electronic Commerce Resource Center

Session VII:  Economics and Electronic Commerce
1:00 p.m. Electronic Auctions and Application to

Spread Spectrum Band-Width Allocations
Preston McAfee
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Product and Infrastructure Pricing
Andrew Whinston and Dale Stahl
The University of Texas at Austin

Internet Service Providers: Changing Dynamics
Smoot Carl-Mitchell and John Quarterman
Zilker Internet Park, Matrix Information and Directory Services,

Session VIII:  Panel Discussion:
                             Issues in Internet Commerce
Su-Shing Chen, National Science Foundation
James B. Rapp
Richard Bolton, National Industrial Information
                   Infrastructure Protocols Consortium (NIIIP)
5:00 p.m.Conference adjourns

*************  REGISTRATION FORM ***********

Name (Please type) _____________________________________
                          (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs.)   First      Last

Title: _______________________________________

Organization: _________________________________

Address: ____________________________________

           City           State      Zip Code       Country

Telephone: (_____)__________ Work   (_____)________Home

Fax:       (_____)__________    Email: __________________

Which days do you plan to attend?
        Sunday, Oct.29  ______ (Reception)
        Monday, Oct.30  ______ (Lunch)
        Monday, Oct.30  ______ (Banquet)
        Tuesday, Oct.31  ______ (Lunch)

Registration Fee:  Before October 13, 1995 ______ $300
                :  After October 13, 1995    ______ $395

(Payment must be made by check or money order

payable to the RGK Foundation.)

Please complete and mail this registration form along with
fee before Friday, October 13, 1993 to:

Electronic Commerce Conference
RGK Foundation
1301 W.25th Street Suite 300
Austin, TX 78705

Phone: 512-474-9298
Fax:   512-474-6389

To register for the conference, complete and mail the
Registration Form to the RGK Foundation
at 1301 W. 25th Street, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705.
Be sure to include a check for the registration
fee payable to the RGK Foundation.

The registration fee is $300 for registrations
received before Friday, October 13 and $395
after October 13 and includes the reception on
Sunday, the banquet on Monday evening,
breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday,
coffee breaks, scheduled ground tranportation to and
from the conference site, and conference materials.

*************  HOTEL   INFRORMATION ***********

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Red Lion Hotel
Austin Airport, 6121 North IH 35, Austin, Texas 78752.
The special room rate of $89.00 single/double will be
available for those who make reservations before
Friday, October 13.  After this date, the special rate
and room availability cannot be guaranteed.

Make your reservations by calling 512-323-5466
and mentioning the Electronic Commerce Conference.

*************  SPEAKER   INFRORMATION ***********

1.      Nathaniel Borenstein
        Chief Scientist, First Virtual Holdings

Nathaniel is a primary author of MIME, the Internet standard format
for interoperable multimedia data, and the author of various widely
used software packages, including the Andrew Message System,
metamail, ATOMICMAIL, and Safe-Tcl. He specializes in end-user
interfaces, and is the author of the book 'Programming As If
People Mattered."

2.      Clifford Neuman
Research Assistant Professor, University of Southern California and
Scientist, USC Information Sciences

Clifford Neuman is a scientist at the Information Sciences Institute
of the University of Southern California USC) and holds a research
faculty appointment in the Computer Science Department.  After
receiving a S.B. degree from the Massach usetts Institute of
Technology in 1985 he spent a year working for Project Athena
where he was one of the principal designers of the Kerberos
authentication system.  Dr. Neuman received M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees from the University of Washington, where he designed the
Prospero Directory Service which is widely used to locate
information from Internet archive sites.  His recent work includes
the development of a security infrastructure supporting
authorization, accounting, and electronic payment mechanisms. Dr.
Neuman leads the design and implementation of the NetCheque and
NetCash payment systems.

3.      Dave Crocker
Brandenburg Consulting
Title: An Unaffliated View of Electronic Commerce

Dave Crocker is the primary author of The EDI on the Internet
RFC.  He is an active participant in the Internet Engineering and
Technical Standards Committee and has influenced numerous
internet standards.

4.      Dan Connolly
Research Associate, MIT/W3C

Dan Connolly discovered the web project soon after graduating
U.T. Austin in 1990. His industry experience in online
documentation tools, distributed computing,  and information
delivery kept him in touch with the project while he was at Dazel and
HaLSoft.  His background in formal systems led him to work on the
specif ication of HTML and other parts of the web.

 5.      Professor Donna Hoffman
Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University

Donna Hoffman is an Associate Pofessor of Marketing and directs
Project 2000, a research program in Computer-Mediated Marketing
Environments which is devoted to  studying the marketing
implications of commercializing the World Wide Web.  Examples of
current projects include 1) developing the strategic marketing
implications of commercial scenarios of the Web; 2) modeling
consumer response to advertising and consumer search and
purchase behavior in online commercial environments; 3) survey
research on Internet usage; and 4) consumer behavior implications
of computer-mediated communications.

 6.      Smoot Carl Mitchell
Zilker Internet Park

Smoot Carl-Mitchell is Managing Partner in Texas Internet
Consulting (TIC), which consults in networks and open systems,
with particular emphasis on TCP/IP networks, UNIX systems and
standards.  He was the principal author of Practical Internetworking
with TCP/IP and UNIX, 1993 and is co-author of The Internet
Connection:  System Connectivity and Configuration.  He is also
President of Matrix Information and Directory Services, Inc., of

 7.      Andrew Whinston
The University of Texas at Austin

Andrew B. Whinston is the Hugh Roy Cullen Centennial Chair in
Business Administration, Professor of Information Systems,
Computer Science and Economics and Director of the Center for
Information Systems Management.  He is editor of two journals
Decision Support Systems and Organizational Computing and
co-author or co-editor of 15 books and over 250 articles.  Recent
research interests are Internet pricing and application of client-server
computing especially to support groups working collaboratively.

 8.      Ravi Kalakota
Xerox Assistant Professor of Information Systems
The University of Rochester

Ravi Kalakota received his Ph.D from the University of Texas at
Austin.   He has  been working in the area of electronic commerce
since 1992.   He is currently focusing on the challenges of
organizing for electronic commerce: structured documents,
processes/workflows, and broker architectures. His current project
is on "New Product Introduction Using the Internet." He is also the
co-author of a forthcoming book: The Frontiers of Electronic
Commerce (Addison Wesley).

9.      Win Treese
Director of Advanced Technology
Open Market, Inc.

Win Treese leads the security and advanced technology groups at
Open Market, Inc ., a young company developing systems and
software for electronic commerce.  He has previously been a
member of the research staff at Digital Equipment Corporation's
Cambridge Research Laboratory and Chief Systems Engineer at

MIT's Project Athena.

 10.     Larry Masinter
Principal Scientist
Xerox Palo Alto Reserach Center

Dr. Masinter is a principal scientist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research
Center. He  has been working in the area of document management
system architecture since 1988, the Web standards groups from their
inception, and the research area of Digital Libraries since 1993.

 11.     Jill H. Ellsworth
Senior Partner, Oak Ridge Research

Jill H. Ellsworth, Ph.D., Senior Partner with Oak Ridge Research,
is a consultant regarding business on the Internet for Fortune 500
companies, and consultant r egarding business on the Internet for
Fortune 500 companies, and is a frequent speaker in North America
and Europe about business, marketing and education on th e
Internet. A former university Professor and Dean, she holds a
doctorate from Syracuse University. Ellsworth is the author
numerous books, including The Internet Business Book, Marketing
on the Internet, the Internet Business Kit (John Wiley & Sons), and
Education on the Internet (Sams/Macmillan). She serves on the
Survey Working Group of the Internet Society.

12.     Su-Shing Chen
Professor of Computer Science
University of North Carolina

Dr. Chen received his Ph.D.in 1970 from the University of
Maryland. He was on th e faculty of University of Florida, Georgia
Tech, University of Maryland, and University of North Carolina.
from 1983-85 and 1991-95, he served as NSF Program Directors
of Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Models & Cognitive Systems,
and Information Technology & Organizations.

13.     Dr. Arthur Keller
Senior Research Scientist
Stanford University

Dr. Arthur Keller  is a Senior Research Scientist at Stanford
University.  He is  Project Manager of Stanford University's
participation in CommerceNet, which is  doing the first large-scale
market trial of electronic commerce on the Internet.  He leads the
effort on smart catalogs and virtual catalogs.  He was Manager of
the Penguin project, to provide sharing of persistent object data
among multiple applications.  He is also working on managing
inconsistency in federated, autonomous database systems.  His
publications include work on database security, databases on parallel
computers, incomplete information in databases, database system
implementation, hypertext databases, and computerized typesetting.

 14.     Dr. Jan Stallaert
Assistant Professor
The University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Stallaert received his Ph.D. from UCLA in the area of
management science.  He has been working in the area of supply-
chain management and large-scale logistics problems for several
years.  He is also a consultant for several Fortune 500  companies.

15.     Dr. Preston McAfee
The University of Texas at Austin and MIT

Dr. McAfee is a leading expert on electronic auctions.  He has been
retained as the principal consultant by the Federal Communications
Commission to devise mechanisms for allocating wireless
frequencies.  He is also the editor of the prestigious American
Economic Review.

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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com)
Shipwright Development Corporation, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131
USA (617) 323-7923
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