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Re: response to netscape's press release

On Tue, 19 Sep 1995, sameer wrote:
> Netscape secure software has been in use for almost a year on the
> Internet by millions of customers and no thefts of actual customer
> information protected by our security have been reported - this
> posting on the Internet reported a potential vulnerability, not the 
> actual theft of customer information.
>    Yes, Netscape is very lucky that Ian and David are students, and not  
>    criminals. I sincerely hope that the next time someone finds a hole in
>    Netscape that it's someone who would rather win a free T-shirt than  
>    steal lots of money.

I hope exactly the reverse.  It seems the only way the truth will get out 
and heads at Netscape or anywhere else will roll like they should.

Consequences dictate incentives.  No consequence, no incentive to avoid.

> -- 
> sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
> Community ConneXion				FAX:	 510-601-9734
> An Internet Privacy Provider			Dialin:  510-658-6376
> http://www.c2.org (or login as "guest")			sameer@c2.org

"In fact, had Bancroft not existed,       potestas scientiae in usu est
Franklin might have had to invent him."    in nihilum nil posse reverti
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