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Your name in print
>From owner-www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu Mon Sep 18 17:36:41 1995
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Date: Mon, 18 Sep 95 09:26:23 PST
>From: "Prince, Cheryl" <cprince@mfi.com>
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To: www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
Subject: security article
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Status: RO
I am an editor at a business technology publication and am currently
researching a piece on network security at financial institutions as well as
the feasability of secure Internet transactions and banking on the world wide
I will be interviewing individuals who can speak to these issues and can talk
about whether the banking industry can in fact move much of its activity on
line without risking the loss of billions of dollars to online theft and other
related damage.
If you are familiar with this subject matter and/or have any experience in the
financial industry, please email me at: cprince@mfi.com
CJ Prince