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[NOISE] "hacker" was: first virtual "security"
In article <0kMA2EqMc50eMEb4Yx@nsb.fv.com>,
Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb@nsb.fv.com> wrote:
>If an SSL-like scheme were in wide use world-wide, the hacker who just
>made a name for himself by breaking SSL could instead have gone down in
Ugh. That word again. I'm only 22, but I'm old enough to remember
when there were people called "crackers", and being called a "hacker"
was a _good_ thing.
I know at least one article about the break went, "Two hackers in
Berkeley, California...".
We actually got questions from reporters asking why we didn't just use
our newly-found hole to snoop financial transactions. I've done a lot
of root-breaking in my (short) time, but I work for the Good Guys (TM).
- Ian "hey, I warned you it was noise"